

Parenting with Screen Boundaries

By trusted Pinwheel affiliate
Tessa Stuckey
Licensed Professional Counselor, Author & Speaker

There’s no denying that parenting today is much more difficult than previous generations before us. Parenting without today’s cultural obsession with technology is hard as it is, add in the world wide web and we have a new wave of parenting complications that is overwhelming, confusing and exhausting. However, working with teenagers and being a mother of four myself, I have found some really helpful and practical ways to build strong, resilient, independent kiddos while having technology in our home. It’s all about balance and boundaries. 

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Speak-Kindly Checklist: Kid-Phone Version!

Have you ever caught yourself speaking in a way that was a little harsher than you expected? Even as adults, the way we communicate can get out of line at times, especially when we are not in a gracious mood. Actively teaching kids to speak kindly, whether it's through their phone or in person, will set them up for success in the long run. This "Speak Kindly" checklist can help your children cultivate healthy communication habits. Share this with them, and see if they can check them off every week!

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Laid-Back Parenting Might Answer Your Tween or Teen Needs

By trusted Pinwheel affiliate
Hillary Gruener of Word From The Bird

As a parent in this day and age, it's challenging to reconcile being laid-back when we know the many dangers in the world that could harm our kids. Most of us would agree there’s a lot out there to fear when your objective is to raise healthy individuals. But we mustn’t let our fear of the world turn into controlling, uptight parenting. Be assertive about what your kids are up against – after all, it’s your responsibility to keep them safe physically, mentally, and emotionally. But while it’s natural for parents to hold tight to their children and desire to protect them from everything, sometimes, the very thing you desire for them can begin to work against your relationship. Good-intentioned parenting can quickly turn into fear-mongering control.

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Phone Photography Tips and Activity for Families

Don't you love taking photos? Whether it’s of your pet, your friends, or nature! Being able to capture and freeze extraordinary moments in your life is one of the coolest things about technology. However, photography can be a little overwhelming and frustrating when you’re new. Enjoy this photography guide, featuring my top 5 tips for a successful photo session!

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A Child's Review of Pinwheel The Healthy Kid Phone

Through the eyes of a child, we witness new perspectives that often our adults eyes can't see. In this blog, a child opens up about why she likes her Pinwheel, the rules that came with her owning a kid phone, and how it has impacted her daily routine. Her mother is a blogger you might know, so stay till the end to explore more helpful parenting resources! 

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